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Call for Papers:
Liebe Leserinnen und Leser, in loser Folge möchten wir Spezialisten vorstellen, die langjährig in der und über die Region gearbeitet haben - sowohl im akademischen als auch im nicht-akademischen Bereich - und daher fundierte Einblicke eröffnen können. Ziel ist es dabei entgegen den Trends einer oft schnelllebigen Mediengesellschaft das zumeist Jahre und Jahrzehnte umfassende Schaffen von Wissenschaftlern und Fachleuten in möglichst umfassender Bandbreite sichtbar zu machen, d.h. ein Werk durchaus mit unterschiedlichen Akzentsetzungen, Brüchen oder theoretischen Ansätzen vorzustellen.
Die Redaktion freut sich wie immer auf Ihre Vorschläge, Ideen, Anregungen und Mitarbeit an dieser Reihe! ...
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The Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in a Global Context" at Heidelberg University is offering 1 PhD Scholarship (3 years) within the Junior Research Group "Transcultural Dynamics of Pentecostalism: Pentecostal Christianity between Globalisation and State Control in Singapore."
The Research Group focuses on the transformation of late-modern Pentecostal moral codes and modes of subjectivation, questions of identity, and the negotiation of boundaries (e.g. global/local, national/transnational, public/private, secular/religious) in the nexus of globalising processes and localised public spheres in contemporary Singapore. Local processes of negotiation, adaptation, and transformations of religious discourses and practices in a global context are at the centre of the analysis. Here, the focus lies on the production of new forms of localisation of Pentecostal Christianity, which at the same time produce new forms of global identification with Pentecostal Christianity in contemporary Singapore.
The PhD student is encouraged and expected to pursue independent research and participate in the meetings of our research group within which we are going to develop a comparative theoretical and conceptual base for the project.
Applicants are required to hold an M.A. degree or equivalent in a relevant discipline of the humanities or social sciences such as Sociology, Religious Studies, Cultural Studies, Anthropology, Political Science, South or East Asian Studies, with an above-average grade (at least 1.7, B+, 2+, "magna cum laude", or equivalent). Proficiency in English is essential and in one Asian language desirable.
The successful applicant's primary task will be to complete a PhD degree, but active participation in relevant graduate courses offered at the Cluster of Excellence or other institutes at Heidelberg University is recommended. Some light administrative duties may occur. The stipends are rated at EUR 1200/month (except for a small enrolment fee, no tuition fees apply) and limited to a duration of three years. Some travel and publication funds are available. Applications for further subsidies will be encouraged.
Applicants are asked to submit a PDF file including the following items:
1) Curriculum Vitae
2) letter of intent
3) copies of university degrees
4) short dissertation project outline related to the research group of no more than 1,000 words in English.
In addition, two letters of reference (one of them from the Masters supervisor) should be sent directly by the recommenders. Applications and letters of recommendation should be submitted to Dr. Katja Rakow ( by 15th March 2013. Interviews will begin soon afterwards and continue until the position is filled.
The job announcement is available online at: